Monday, February 24, 2014

A Dragon's Tail

In a faraway land of mountainous expanses and deep mysterious caverns, a man named George was travelling down a quiet mountain pass when he spied the shadow of a great fiery dragon in  a distant mountain crevice.

George had never seen a dragon before but a friend's mother's neighbour's dog had once been eaten by a dragon.  So naturally, George immediately thought to kill the dragon and become a famous hero among his peers.

George waited patiently until the beast spread its great wings over the mountain side and glided through the air.  George saw that the scales upon the dragon's back glittered like jewels.  He thought to himself that perhaps such a kill would make George rich too.

Then George saw with horror that there was a beautiful girl clutched against the dragon's chest.

"What luck!"thought George.  "I'll not only be a wealthy hero, but I shall win the gratitude of and devotion of a fair maiden!"

George levelled the sight of his bow on the heart of the  huge shimmering beast and let his arrow fly.  His aim was true and the beast plummeted to the ground in the road ahead.  When George arrived to the spot where the beast lay dying, he was dumbfounded by the sight of the maiden cradling the monstrous lizard's head in her arms. Her sorrow flowed ceaselessly upon it's great muzzle as it died.

Young George was aghast. He stopped and stared impatiently at the pathetic girl wailing over the lifeless corpse.  Out of respect, George wanted  to wait for  the right moment to present itself before sweeping in for his trophies and claiming his rightful place in history. But as the girl sobbed over his prize, it never seemed the right moment to step in and skin the beast as he had originally planned.  He thought perhaps the girl would not mind if he merely plucked a few scales, or pulled a few of the monster's giant fangs. But try as he might, he could not get near enough for even a talon clipping. Every time he approached, the girl would become inexplicably hysterical.

George eventually slumped past them and went home empty-handed.  Lucky for him, this was way before anyone really thought to ask for evidence or proof of such strange stories. So when he told his tale of how he took out the dragon, George very quickly became quite famous as a heroic dragon-slayer, princess-rescuer and all-around pretty super-awesome guy. He lived fairly happily until someone cut his head off a few years later.

The End.

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