Monday, February 17, 2014

The Tragic Lovelife of the Strongest Man Alive

There was a time beyond memory when barbarian tribes elected their chief based purely on physical strength and appearance. No one ever questioned the wisdom in such customs because important decisions (like which customs to follow) were usually decided in a battle to the death.

The very strongest chief in history had the most beautiful head of luscious locks anyone had ever seen; so naturally, everyone did exactly what he said most of the time.  When it came to women, it should come as no surprise that he could take his pick of any woman in the tribe, but there was really only one he ever wanted.

Not only was the object of his affection terribly beautiful, but it was generally agreed upon that she was also quite wild and a little dangerous. So it was no wonder she was smitten.

Anyone could have told him that she was nothing but trouble, except they didn't, because he was the chief and no one was willing to go to battle over a foolish woman.  Most people just assumed he would come to his senses, but he never did. Love is sometimes like that.   The legendary chief was well and truly blind to his beloved's faults, and she made it her business to make a tidy profit from his.

One evening a couple of opportunists overheard her boasting of her influence upon the the famous chief.  They wagered a shekel that if her lover was true, he would set aside his power to possess her. Having a certain amount of decency, she refused the wager out of hand... until they offered her 30 silver pieces (which was a lot of money then). She took their generous wager and set to work bullying her poor besotted lover into cutting himself off from the source of his power. Quite literally, she made him cut his hair. Short.

Tragically, he had a very oddly shaped head.  And in a culture that chooses its leaders for their muscles and manes, an oddly shaped head could ruin a political career, which it inevitably did.

The chieftain lost his confidence in no time, and soon his desire to workout. He grew as weak and whiny as a child.  His incessant bellyaching eventually drove his troublesome woman to leave him forever (which may have been for the best), and soon everyone wanted to fight him for the position of handsomest man in town.

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